Tuesday, January 20, 2009

U.S. Trained Rwandan Soldiers Not the Answer

Let us see if we got this right. The United Nations publish a groundbreaking study that affirms what the Congolese people have been saying since 1996, that U.S. backed Rwandan aggression against the Congo has not ceased since that time. The report documented Rwanda's support of rebel leader Laurent Nkunda. So in response, the Congolese government invite to its capital one of the most infamous butchers on Congo's soil, James Kabarebe, Chief of General Staff of the Rwandan Defense Forces and former private secretary and aide-de-camp of Rwanda’s president Paul Kagame. Both Kabarebe and current Congolese President Joseph Kabila were a part of the human slaughter of Congolese and Hutu refugees (men, women and children) in 1996/'97.

It is quite shocking that the people of Kinshasa allowed Kabarebe the butcher to saunter in and out of the nations capital without a peep. It is no surprise however that President Kabila welcomed Kabarebe. Kabila was under the tutelage of Kabarebe in the late 1990s and was with him at the massacre of Tingi Tingi. Today the 1996 invasion crew of Kagame, Museveni, Kabarebe and Kabila has come full circle undoubtly to heap more pain and suffering on the people of the Congo. It is far beyond time that the Congolese people rise up and reject the further militarization of their country whether it comes from Kigali or Kinshasa and ostensibly backed by Washington and London.

For the past twelve years, U.S. ally, Rwanda has used the so-called Hutu presence in Congo as a pretext for invading the country and systematically looting it of its enormous natural wealth. Unfortunately, the same pre-text is being cynically used in collaboration with the Kabila-led Congolese government to divert the mounting global pressure on the Kagame regime’s transgressions in the Congo through its proxy rebel forces in the East of Congo.

Should the newly sworn in Obama administration not want the stain of the blood and deaths of millions of Africans on its hands like the Clinton and Bush administrations, it should cease the US's militarization of the African continent and Central Africa in particular. Congo's soil has become the military playground for the United States and its Rwandan and Ugandan allies. Just over the holiday season hundreds of Congolese were slaughtered as a result of the joint Ugandan-Congo military offensive against the Lord's Resistance Army of Joseph Kony.

Militarization is not the answer. Robust political solutions are needed to address the myriad crises in Central Africa. The strengthening of Congolese institutions is needed. The Congolese people need justice and reconciliation not thousands of Rwandan troops.

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At 3:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congo's riches cause us to be in jeopardy, and Congo soil became a playground of a battle for Rwandese Hutu, Tutsi and Ugandans. There is a game which has been planned by the Congolese president who is a Rwandese with his homologues Paul Kagame, and the U.N agents. The visit of Sarkozi in Congo, Kinshasa was purposely planned a head of time with Rwandese Joseph Kabila, Paul Kagame and Uganda’s president to divide Congo, and some of our land and riches which will be given to Rwandese. Enough is enough, Congo will never be divided or sold out, but Congo will remain one and united. If Joseph Kabila tried to sell some portion of Congolese land to Rwandese there will be the commencement of the war. Last week visit of Joseph Kabila to south Kivu in Baraka, he was stoned with his Rwandese government and they run away like flies. Congolese rise up this not the time to stay quiet, however is the time to open our mouth and let the world know the truth about Congo and the war which were are facing. Congolese do not like Joseph Kabila because he is a Rwandese. How can a president accept some of his portion or land and riches to be given to Rwanda other country in order to have peace? This statement proves that Joseph Kabila is a Rwandese. We will fight to take back our land taken by our surrounding neighbor as long as we will be stable with a Congolese president. “Eza likambu ya mabele yaba koko batikela biso".Notre cause est Just. Congolese have another upcoming war which is taking Joseph Kabila out of the power either by Coup d’état or he should be assassinated because he wouldn’t live the office peacefully so, as Congolese we have to get him by force. This is an alarm message to all Congolese. It is better to stay poor with all our riches underground than to sell our land, riches in order to have peace.

At 3:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congo's riches cause us to be in jeopardy, and Congo soil became a playground of a battle for Rwandese Hutu, Tutsi and Ugandans. There is a game which has been planned by the Congolese president who is a Rwandese with his homologues Paul Kagame, and the U.N agents. The visit of Sarkozi in Congo, Kinshasa was purposely planned a head of time with Rwandese Joseph Kabila, Paul Kagame and Uganda’s president to divide Congo, and some of our land and riches which will be given to Rwandese. Enough is enough, Congo will never be divided or sold out, but Congo will remain one and united. If Joseph Kabila tried to sell some portion of Congolese land to Rwandese there will be the commencement of the war. Last week visit of Joseph Kabila to south Kivu in Baraka, he was stoned with his Rwandese government and they run away like flies. Congolese rise up this not the time to stay quiet, however is the time to open our mouth and let the world know the truth about Congo and the war which were are facing. Congolese do not like Joseph Kabila because he is a Rwandese. How can a president accept some of his portion or land and riches to be given to Rwanda other country in order to have peace? This statement proves that Joseph Kabila is a Rwandese. We will fight to take back our land taken by our surrounding neighbor as long as we will be stable with a Congolese president. “Eza likambu ya mabele yaba koko batikela biso".Notre cause est Just. Congolese have another upcoming war which is taking Joseph Kabila out of the power either by Coup d’état or he should be assassinated because he wouldn’t live the office peacefully so, as Congolese we have to get him by force. This is an alarm message to all Congolese. It is better to stay poor with all our riches underground than to sell our land, riches in order to have peace.

At 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Congolese government rarely proves itself useful and that it derives its power from the majority because they are the strongest group, not because they hold the most legitimate viewpoint.We tend to based our prospective on majority groups however, sometimes majority can be wrong. Let not one person's wrong ideas influence the others because of poverty. Poverty is temporary if you fight,and it is permanent when you give it a room to stay ,and it will stay for ever until you decide to chase it away like fly. Patriot Congolese first obligation is to do what they believe is right and not to follow the law dictated by the majority. When a government is unjust, people should refuse to follow the law and distance themselves from the government in general. A person is not obligated to devote his life to eliminating evils from the world, but he is obligated not to participate in such evils. Fellow Congolese this is not the time to contribute to the evil which stayed permanently in our mother land for a long time. I am calling the conscience of people ,and act upon the injustice. Most of the time we Congolese are afraid of death. Death is permanent. It's better to dye for a right cause. The question is which kind of death are we going to dye? This is the time to sacrifice out time like others did for the prosperity of their countries, like Lumunba , kasa vubu ,and Laurent Desidere Kabila who were the real patriot martyr. We have the right to fight the injustice ,but if we are not acting, we will be condemn first by our own moral conscience as being irresponsible to save people life. He is condemn an person who know the truth, but doesn't reveal to others. Let all together fight the corrupt Congolese government and their president Joseph Kabila through our action of patriotism and non violence.We don't want a Rwandise president in DR Congo, he has stolen a lot ,and sales a lot of our riches, this is the time to come together all Congolese as one for one purpose to elect democratically our own Congolese president additionally, we don't want to elect a president who is unable to speak ,but ready to kill silently.
Our cause is just and may God bless DR Congo

Kisanfuete patriot activist

At 2:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Il est vraiment difficile de croire, mais c'est vrai "Ndimela ngai" La façons dont la diaspora voie certain chose qui se déroule au Congo, et totalement différent de la façon dont les Congolais qui se trouve au Congo voie. Il est difficile de convaincre les Congolais qui se trouvent au Congo concernant la situation actuel de notre pays. Eux ils vont te dire leur propre prospective concernent le Congo qui ne sont pas vrai tantôt d’une manière a une autre. Il est mauve d’être. Le Congolais ne résonne plus à cause de la pauvreté. Le Congolais qui se trouve au Congo croyant que Joseph Kabila est le pacificateur et la Person qui a amener la paix au Congo, mais le Congolais de la diaspora croix que la crise mondiale à causer les investi tisseur qui soutenait la guerre (kunda batuare et Paul Kagamé) au Congo de retirer leur fond. La valeur a été donnait a J.Kabila mais il na rien fait pour maitre fin a guerre. Exemple, un chasseur de jubile va a la chasse, il voie une antilope et il poursuit l'antilope en le blessent avec sa lance, malheureusement il ne prouver pas l'attraper. Le deuxièmes chasseur va a la chasse, et il voie la même antilope entrent de venir et il le tue avec sa lance. Le deuxièmes chasseur croix que c'est lui qui a tue l'antilope. La question est celle ci, a qui appartient l'antilope et qui a tue l'antilope?
C'est le cas du Congo.
Le Congolais qui se trouve au Congo ne doit pas être intimidé par la réalité de la pauvre, mais ils doivent connaitre la vérité et le dire publiquement. La diaspora voie plus claire que le Congolais qui se trouve au Congo. Les politiciens du Congo sont tous corrompus à cause de la bouffe, la veriter ne peut pas être dit en évitant d’être chasser du travail. Au Congo il n’ya pas le droit de l’expression. La personne qui dit la veriter sera poursuivit et tue. La population on peur de dire la veriter p.c.q J. Kabila va le tue. Les Congolais doivent ce conscientisé et revenir a la moralité. Le Congo a besoin de leader politique, mais J. Kabila joue une stratégie pour démoraliser tout le candidat qui se soulever en les invitant dans son partie politique. S’il refuse, il le tue. J’appel a la conscientisation au Congolais vivant au Congo, la pauvreté n’est doit pas vous séparer de votre moral et conscience d’agir contre l’injustice.


At 2:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh ! Le monde est méchant. Le président Français Nicolas Sarkozy fait le va et vient en Afrique à la recherche des intérêts Française.” En politique il y a pas les camaraderies, en contraste chaqu’ un est a la poursuite de ses propre intérêt" Sarkozy. Le voyage de Sarkozy au Congo Kinshasa a pour bute l'exploitation de minerais Congolaise. Voici les suggestions de Sarkozy lorsqu'il se rendue a Kinshasa DRC " où il suggérait un partage « de l'espace » et des « richesses » minières entre la RDC et le Rwanda voisin." Comment est ce que le Congo peut partager ses richesses avec le Rwanda, deux pays différent. ? Comme la France et l'Italie. Est ce que la France peut partager ses richesses ou bien le sol, l'espace avec l'Italie ou la Belgique? Il ya des choses qui parait facile a prononce a une autre Person, mais lorsque le cas vous frappe, la Person change directement ca façons de concevoir se perspective. Kisanfuete patriote de la RD Congo je ne peux pas accepter et tolérer que les richesses et le sol du Congo soient partagés avec le Rwanda. L’acceptante de pareille idée montre que Joseph Kabila n'est pas un Congolais c'est un Rwandais tout fait qui appuis se frère Rwandais. Comment est que un président patriote peuvent accepter une portion (partie) de son pays soient partager avec un autre pays pour qui est la paix ?c.à.d. sacrifier la vie de centaine de personne, pour gagner les millions d’argent. Cet une plan qui a était déjà bien établie, maintenant il est temps que Sarkozy avec son homologues Rwandais président du Congo Joseph Kabila de le pratiquer. Voici une preuve tangible. Partager le sol du Congo c.à.d. siccité une autre guerre au Congolais. Les Congolais n’accepteront jamais que la terre de leur ancêtre soit partagée, c’est comme ci vendre votre propre enfant à cause de la famine. Vaux mieux qu’ont reste affamée avec no richesse que de partager nos richesses, terre avec les Rwandais qui nous ont tue. Maitre la paix au grand lacs cella ne veut pas dire seulement qu'il faut partager les richesses du Congo ! Ma suggestion est celle-ci, les Hutu et les Tutsi doivent quitter Congo et rentrer chez eux. Le gouvernement Rwandais et Burundais doivent préparer une place pour sa population. De deux la solution pour aboutir a la paix total est durable au grand lacs il faut que, le Rwandais tutsi vivant au Congo doivent retourner chez eux et les Burundais vivant au Congo doivent aussi retourner chez eux. Les agents causatifs de la guerre au grand lacs se sont ces deux tribus Hutu et Tutsi. Si se deux tribu reste séparer, les hutu au Burundi et les Tutsi au Rwanda et le gouvernement leur accepte sens aucune precondition la paix règnera a jamais. Mobutu la bien dit" le Congo, la terre des nos ancêtre ne sera jamais diviser et partager avec un autre pays". Le Congo restera un et unie a jamais. Ci le Français veulent investir au Congo, On ne peut pas refuser p.q.c les peuple congolais on besoin d’emploie, mais a une condition si ils remplissent les énorme et suivent la formalité, règle Congolaise. Lorsqu’un pays reçoive les investisseurs c.à.d. le pays accepte d'être dominer cella se fond surtout en Afrique. Quand les investisseur arrive dans un pays ils viennent avec leur exigences et imposition au gouvernent. Les Congolais doivent être intelligents lorsqu'il s'agit des investisseurs. L'acceptance des investisseur surtout le cas du Congo signifie être banaliser et accepter la gouvernance d’une autre personne. Comme a la France a besoin de du Cuivre Congolais, ils doivent se soumettre au gouvernement Congolais, au contraire au lieu que la France soit soumis, ce sont les Congolais qui se soumettrons a la France. Le Congo invite tout le monde excepte Person.

Kisanfuete Patriote congolais

At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Congolese government rarely proves itself useful and that it derives its power from the majority because they are the strongest group, not because they hold the most legitimate viewpoint.We tend to based our prospective on majority groups however, sometimes majority can be wrong. Let not one person's wrong ideas influence the others because of poverty. Poverty is temporary if you fight,and it is permanent when you give it a room to stay ,and it will stay for ever until you decide to chase it away like fly. Patriot Congolese first obligation is to do what they believe is right and not to follow the law dictated by the majority. When a government is unjust, people should refuse to follow the law and distance themselves from the government in general. A person is not obligated to devote his life to eliminating evils from the world, but he is obligated not to participate in such evils. Fellow Congolese this is not the time to contribute to the evil which stayed permanently in our mother land for a long time. I am calling the conscience of people ,and act upon the injustice. Most of the time we Congolese are afraid of death. Death is permanent. It's better to dye for a right cause. The question is which kind of death are we going to dye? This is the time to sacrifice out time like others did for the prosperity of their countries, like Lumunba , kasa vubu ,and Laurent Desidere Kabila who were the real patriot martyr. We have the right to fight the injustice ,but if we are not acting, we will be condemn first by our own moral conscience as being irresponsible to save people life. He is condemn an person who know the truth, but doesn't reveal to others. Let all together fight the corrupt Congolese government and their president Joseph Kabila through our action of patriotism and non violence.We don't want a Rwandise president in DR Congo, he has stolen a lot ,and sales a lot of our riches, this is the time to come together all Congolese as one for one purpose to elect democratically our own Congolese president additionally, we don't want to elect a president who is unable to speak ,but ready to kill silently.
Our cause is just and may God bless DR COngo


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